Thursday, August 27, 2015

Getting It Together

Despite the many times I have worked on losing weight through one form or another, I find myself back in the same pattern, yo-yo-ing through life. Lose a few pounds, gain a few pounds. Lose -motivation, and sense of self, eventually regaining a better sensibility and then finding myself back at the starting block, frequently at a higher starting point than previously.

I am going to use this blog as a means to track my progress - the good, the bad and the ugly. I expect there will be some of all of those things and more. My quest is to stay positive as much as possible, because being depressed and defeated never got me anywhere.

Today's Successes
1. Ate a salad at lunch
2. I did not eat my food in private (where I have a tendency to binge).
3. I let go of a few things and threw out a giant bag of trash today.

Step Counter 3604

Tomorrow is another day, and another chance of success.

#keepgoing #noquit